1. Customer pay cash
2. Customer pay with credit card
3. Customer pay with gift card
Step 1: Select pay with “gift card”
Step 2: Insert gift card code
Step 3: Complete Pay
4. Customer pay with voucher
Step 1: go to Friendly POS, select service customer had used
Step 2: select “voucher” in Select Payment Types
Step 3: system will display list of vouchers of customer, choose right type of vouchers for services that customer had used then select “apply”
Step 4: the example above is in the case customer use 3 services but only has vouchers for two, so the remaining 7$ we choose other payment method depend on customer (cash, credit card, …) and complete pay
5. Customer use check
Step 1: Select “check” payment method in Friendly POS
Step 2: insert check number and the amount of money customer need to pay and select “ok”
Step 3: complete pay
6. Customer use coupon / ticket to pay
Step 1: after select service, you choose coupon / ticket
Step 2: insert coupon / ticket code (customer provide) into the panel in the picture
Step 3: Complete pay
Notice: All coupon, voucher,… need to be apply with the right customer (if not match with phone number of customer in the system, the payment will not be accepted) to avoid unwanted dispute